Sunday, November 16, 2008

This Really Sucks

okay, i have started my j.o.b at Best Buy. Yes, I AM thankful for a job. however...


Today I go to an employee meeting. We break out into departments. This is the first time meeting all of my co-workers. One of my son's friends work there. (ugg... that really bugs me that I am working with my children's friends... I feel like such a loser)

anyway, the dept. mgr announces that we are going to have a contest and divide up into 2 teams...My son's friend is a captain along with this other girl. then the dept mngr announces that they are going to choose teams.

oh no!!!! I am having flash backs to middle school....

Yes, I am chosen last.... on my son's friend's team

This situation just sucks... sorry for the language... but I am struggling here....

I have been working nights and weekends for 18 years.....

I could be a manager for heaven's sake.... if I didn't have my children....if I didn't have 6 sweet kids...i love them... love them with a passion.... love them so much that I will work at Best Buy... trying not to cry because i hate this so bad...

I could be a nurse... or a teacher....

I trying not to feel bad about myself... but

just but...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where Have I Been?

Top 10 Reasons that I Have Not Been Blogging

1. I am taking my kids EVERYWHERE. I live in my car and it looks it!

2. I am been loving going to Gold's gym and working out. whoo who!!! LOVE IT!!!

3. I went and had my hair touched up. The price has gone up so I am not so sure that i will be able to afford to go again....

hmm, after second thought I will... I will just HAVE to find a way...

4. I am Lindsey's homeroom mom.

5. I am Lindsey's soccer team's mom.

6. I started a new job at Best Buy. I wish I could DITCH that stupid blue shirt.

7. I went shopping to find cool clothes to go with that blue shirt that will make me feel better about the whole thing. Best Buy is really NOT me.

8. I actually went out of town by MYSELF to visit my friend, Gina, in Fernandina Beach. I got to listen to what i wanted on the radio and turned it up. NO ONE complained about the "80's music

9. I have been trying to get all of the clothes,shoes, and accessories ready for my daughters to be in our church's over the top Christmas play. this program is SO much work but worth it on the performance days. : )

10. the number one reason that I have not been blogging:

I Have Been On Facebook.

okay, so now I am off to visit some more of my fav blogs.
