Sunday, November 16, 2008

This Really Sucks

okay, i have started my j.o.b at Best Buy. Yes, I AM thankful for a job. however...


Today I go to an employee meeting. We break out into departments. This is the first time meeting all of my co-workers. One of my son's friends work there. (ugg... that really bugs me that I am working with my children's friends... I feel like such a loser)

anyway, the dept. mgr announces that we are going to have a contest and divide up into 2 teams...My son's friend is a captain along with this other girl. then the dept mngr announces that they are going to choose teams.

oh no!!!! I am having flash backs to middle school....

Yes, I am chosen last.... on my son's friend's team

This situation just sucks... sorry for the language... but I am struggling here....

I have been working nights and weekends for 18 years.....

I could be a manager for heaven's sake.... if I didn't have my children....if I didn't have 6 sweet kids...i love them... love them with a passion.... love them so much that I will work at Best Buy... trying not to cry because i hate this so bad...

I could be a nurse... or a teacher....

I trying not to feel bad about myself... but

just but...