Thursday, September 18, 2008

Read This... so True.... by Katherine Ruonala

Job 42:5

"I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, And repent in dust and ashes."

Truly there is a cleansing wave moving through the church. Seeing God in his holiness brings us to a place where we remember how small we are and how ugly sin and pride is. Listening to Heidi Baker preach tonight I was reminded of a word the Lord spoke to me many years ago in my living room. It was near midnight when everyone else was asleep and I'd heard the Lord call me to pray. As I talked with Him about the desire in my heart to see the lost saved and the sick healed I remember hearing the Father say to me, "you'll need to take off your jewellery". I didn't really understand what the Lord was meaning. Jewellery to me was stuff that made you pretty - why did He need me to take it off? But true beauty does not come from outward adornments and I believe that the Lord was speaking to me about the things I would do and say to try to make myself pleasing and acceptable to others. Interestingly, the more I tried, the more I seemed to find rejection.

God is looking for broken and contrite hearts that have run into a revelation of the Glory of God. Seeing Him shows our adornments for what they really are - rubbish compared to His beauty. All our efforts at making ministry acceptable, our efforts to make ourselves attractive, our self-righteousness and our selfish ambition, our self-promotion, self-pity and jealousy are shown up in His light as the dung they really are and we are brought to a place of loathing it all. It is there, in that place of revelation that we must humble ourselves so that He can lift us up.

In this time of global shaking, repent and humble yourself before God. Seek His face and the Lord will reveal His majesty to you and give you eye salve so that you can see your true state and cry out for the help that we all so desperately need from Him. I am so excited about all God has in store for us this week at the Glory Gathering. Thank-you Father for your cleansing wave. Lord give us eyes to see and ears to hear what you are saying and doing and help us to offer ourselves up as sacrifices for your Glory.

Much love,

This is from a newsletter that I recieve from Katherine Ruonala. Here is the link to her


Gina said...

Thank you for this beautiful reminder from His word. Wonderfully put.

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful Natalie, thank you for sharing her news letter:)!

Laura Lu said...

AMEN, AMEN, and AMEN!!! Thank you for sharing this.

Amrita said...

Very encouraging word from Katherine. Very true indeed.

Natalie said...

thank you for stopping by. i was hoping you would like it! come again soon!

I love this lady and her music. : )